Sunday, September 9, 2012

Purses: Anything fashion

Purses…the last installment of my title.  It's really not just about purses for me, it's about fashion in general.

Interestingly enough, I grew up loving shoes….It was the only thing that my mom would let me buy multiples of.  I think it's because she grew up with no shoes.  Well my shoe obsession spilled over to a purse obsession as an adult.  Purses…high end purses then of course high end shoes.  Never knew that world existed and I tell you, once you go there, it's hard to come back!  My caution to anyone venturing into this is to save your money and spend wisely!  Don't buy the latest trends when it comes to purses, buy items that you will keep in your collection for awhile.  Promptly get rid of the items that you are not in love with.  The great things about buying less trendy high end bags is they keep a lot of their value.  This is a great option if you are low on cash and need to cash in.  You can always get rid of it because someone will find value in it.  If you're willing to wait and depending on how well you've taken care of it, you could get up to 75% of your money back.  Since I wasn't born with a silver spoon, I am very particular about the bags that I purchase and keep in my collection.  It is a thought out process and rarely an impulse buy (although I won't say I haven't had a few here and there).  I just love fashion in general..I don't know why but I do and I consider it a hobby.

Now onto the impulse buys, this would be in the makeup section.  I absolutely LOVE makeup…let's call it a cheap thrill!  Well, some items can be pricier, but for the most part, you can pick up a lipstick at the drugstore and just have fun changing your look.  I've been into makeup ever since I was a kid!  I used to spend hours and hours of time in my room putting on makeup.  I love that you can change the look of your face with just color.  I love that I can wash it off and then do it again!  For me it's really another art form like painting.  I just call it painting on my face.  It definitely takes skill to get good at it but everyone can do it with some practice.  Hopefully on September 25th, I'll be going to an exclusive MAC event showing their new color collection built on the likes of Marilyn Monroe.  Very excited to see this collection, we'll see if I come home with anything!

Anyway, I'm off now.  I've been traveling so much lately so it's been tough to keep up.  Below are some pics of a couple of my purses and another face that was done by an awesome makeup artist at Sephora.


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